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University of Wales Trinity Saint David


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🎓Congratulations to MSc Computer Networks and Cyber Security graduate Yohannes Zerzghi!#UWTSDGraduation #graduation2022 Read about his remarkable story here ⬇️ ***********************************🎓Llongyfarchiadau i Yohannes Zerzghi sy'ngraddio gyda gradd MSc Rhwydweithiau Cyfrifiadurol a seiberddiogelwch!#YDDSGraddio #Graddio2022 Darllenwch am ei stori hynod yma⬇️

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Tadele M Ejigu

|CCNP- Enterprise || CCNP-R&S || CCNA-Wireless || PMP ||CWNA| Network Engineer at Kifiya Financial Technology PLC


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Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for your next adventure!

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Yosief Weldesilasie

MSc. Water Engineer | BSc. Civil Engineer


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Congratulations on your well deserved achievements Yohannes Z. .Wish you much success in your feature endeavors.

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Paulos Haile Ghebremichael

Prosjektingeniør hos Veidekke Prefab AS


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Congratulations Ashley arkey bruk

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Kidane Yosief

Terraform and AWS Certified and Senior DevOps Specialist


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Johnny the best. Congratulations 🎊🎈 my friend

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Yonatan Fesseha

Geotechnical/Tailings Engineer


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Congratulations Ashley nebsi!

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Nitheesh Murugan Kaliyamurthy

Passionate Academic - Higher Education | Senior Lecturer | Training Manager (NSA) - WorldSkillsUK | Computer Networks, Software Defined Networks, System Administration, IoT, Cybersecurity, Digital Forensics


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Congratulations Yohannes Z. ...

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Callum Francis

Security Intelligence Collator at HMP Parc. Special Constable at South Wales Police. Cyber Crime & Terrorism Masters graduate. Interests include Dark Web Investigation, Cryptocurrency, and Cyber Crime Automation.


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Congratulations Yohannes Z.! Smashed it!

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Yonas Adhanom

Network Dev Engineer


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Congratulations Johnny! Best of luck on your new beginnings.

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    💼Ffeiriau Gyrfaoedd sydd i ddod! 🚀📢Myfyrwyr a graddedigion! Ydych chi'n chwilio am eich cyfle nesa? Boed yn waith rhan-amser, gwirfoddoli, neu her newydd, mae'r Ffeiriau Gyrfaoedd mis Tachwedd yn gyfle i gwrdd â chyflogwyr ac archwilio opsiynau gyrfa.📅📍 Dyddiadau a Lleoliadau:🔷Abertawe: 7 Tachwedd, 11am – 2yp🔷 Llambed: 13 Tachwedd, 11am – 1pm🔷Caerfyrddin: 26 Tachwedd, 11am – 1pm🎫 Yn rhad ac am ddim!Am ragor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â

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    💼Upcoming Career Fairs at UWTSD! 🚀📢Students and graduates! Looking for your next opportunity? Whether it's part-time work, volunteering, or a new challenge, these November Career Fairs are a great chance to meet employers and explore career options. 📅📍Dates and Locations:🔷Swansea: 7 November, 11am – 2pm🔷Lampeter: 13 November, 11am – 1pm🔷Carmarthen: 26 November, 11am – 1pm🎫Free to attend!For more information, contact

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    👩🎓Meet Hannah Evans: a graduate of ours who is now working as a Furniture Conservator for the Royal Household. 👑✨Hannah chose UWTSD for its perfect mix of location, close to her home in Port Talbot, and a specialised Product and Furniture Design course that aligned with her career aspirations. With a passion for furniture design, she knew Swansea College of Art at UWTSD offered the hands-on experience and state-of-the-art facilities she needed to bring her ideas to life.Fast forward to 2023, and Hannah has graduated and landed an incredible role as a Furniture Conservator with the Royal Household! 🏰👑 She credits UWTSD for providing the skills, guidance, and opportunities that led her to this prestigious position.If you're curious about how UWTSD helped shape her journey from student to Royal Household conservator? Read her full story here 👉

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    👩🎓Dyma Hannah Evans: un o'n graddedigion sy'n gweithio nawr fel Cadwraethwr Dodrefn gyda’r Osgordd Frenhinol. 👑✨Dewisodd Hannah'r Drindod Dewi Sant am y cyfuniad perffaith o leoliad, yn agos at ei chartref ym Mhort Talbot, ac am y cwrs arbenigol mewn Dylunio Cynnyrch a Dodrefn a oedd yn cyd-fynd â’i dyheadau gyrfaol. Gyda’i hangerdd dros ddylunio dodrefn, roedd yn gwybod bod Coleg Celf Abertawe'r Brifysgol yn cynnig y profiad ymarferol a’r cyfleusterau o’r radd flaenaf yr oedd eu hangen arni i wireddu ei syniadau. 🔨Erbyn hyn, mae Hannah wedi graddio ac wedi sicrhau swydd anhygoel fel Cadwraethwr Dodrefn i’r Teulu Brenhinol! 🏰👑 Mae’n cydnabod bod y Drindod Dewi Sant wedi darparu’r sgiliau, yr arweiniad a’r cyfleoedd a’i harweiniodd at y swydd nodedig hon.Os ydych am wybod sut wnaeth y Drindod Dewi Sant helpu lunio ei thaith o fod yn fyfyrwraig i fod yn gadwraethwr dodrefn gyda'r Osgordd Frenhinol, yna darllenwch ei stori lawn yma 👉

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    Mae taith addysgol Heather Came, Prentis Gradd BEng Peirianneg Fecanyddol sydd yn ei thrydedd flwyddyn yn adlewyrchu grym dyfalbarhad, y gallu i addasu, a gwerth cyfuno profiad yn y byd go iawn ag astudiaethauacademaidd.Yn wreiddiol o Ddyfnaint ac yn un o gyn-fyfyrwyr Ysgol Ramadeg Merched Torquay, darganfu Heather yn gynnar mai’r ffordd fwyaf effeithiol iddi ymgysylltu ag addysg oedd trwy ddysguymarferol. Arweiniodd hyn ati’n dilyn prentisiaeth mewn Cynnal a Chadw Awyrennau gyda Flybe, a helpodd i danio ei hangerdd dros hedfan. Yn anffodus, yn sgil pandemig Covid-19 aeth Flybe i ddwylo’r gweinyddwyr, gan ddod â’i phrentisiaeth i ben yn sydyn ar ôl dim ond saithmis.Dychwelodd Heather i Goleg Exeter i ymestyn ei diploma peirianneg tra hefyd yn dod yn weithiwr allweddol i’r GIG. Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn y cyflwynodd sgwrs gyda’i thiwtor hi i’r cyfleoedd unigryw sydd ar gael yn PCYDDS: astudio ar gyfer prentisiaethgradd. Mae prentisiaethau gradd yn ddewis arall i astudiaethau prifysgol traddodiadol sy’n dod yn fwyfwy poblogaidd. Mae’r cynlluniau hyfforddi seiliedig ar waith yn galluogi myfyrwyr i gael profiad byd go iawn yn y gweithle ac ennill cyflog, tra’n gweithio ar yr un pryd tuag at gymhwyster gradd ar ôl cwblhau’r brentisiaeth ynllwyddiannus.Wedi’i hysgogi gan y cyfle hwn, symudodd Heather i Dde Cymru a dywed nad yw wedi edrych yn ôl ers hynny. Mae Heather yn canmol y brentisiaeth gradd am ei helpu i sicrhau swydd newydd gyda British Airways, y bydd yn dechrau fisnesaf.“Mae’r bartneriaeth rhwng y gweithle a’r brifysgol yn wych,” meddai. “Mae’r cwrs wedi’i gynllunio ar gyfer pobl sy’n gweithio, a gall prosiectau fod yn seiliedig ar dasgau bywyd go iawn o’n swyddi, sy’n caniatáu ar gyfer dysgu ymarferol ahyblygrwydd.”Y tu hwnt i’w chyflawniadau academaidd, mae Heather yn deithwraig frwd sydd wedi gwarbacio ar ei phen ei hun trwy dde-ddwyrain Asia a De America. Mae ei theithiau i leoedd megis Gwlad Thai, Periw a Brasil nid yn unig wedi bod yn brofiadau sydd wedi agor eu llygad ond maen nhw hefyd wedi llunio ei phersbectif arfywyd. “Mae cychwyn ar eich anturiaethau teithio eich hun yn ffordd sicr o roi hwb i’ch hyder. Mae llywio lleoedd anghyfarwydd, goresgyn heriau, a chamu y tu allan i’ch parth cysur yn cyfrannu at dwf personol. Mae pob profiad, boed yn archwilio adfeilion hynafol, blasu bwydydd egsotig, neu ddod o hyd i’ch ffordd trwy farchnad brysur, yn ychwanegu at blethwaith eich bywyd ac yn creu atgofion a fydd yn para amoes.“Mae teithio wedi ehangu fy mydolwg ac wedi rhoi hwb i’m hyder. Mae’n rhywbeth rwy’n ei argymell ibawb.”

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    Third year BEng Mechanical Engineering Degree Apprentice Heather Came’s educational journey reflects the power of perseverance, adaptability, and the value of combining real-world experience with academic studies.Originally from Devon and a former student of Torquay Girls Grammar School, Heather discovered early on that hands-on learning was the most effective way for her to engage with education. This led her to pursue an apprenticeship in Aircraft Maintenance with Flybe, which helped ignite her passion for aviation. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic forced Flybe into administration, ending her apprenticeship abruptly after just seven months.Heather returned to Exeter College to extend her engineering diploma while also becoming a key worker for the NHS. It was during this time that a conversation with her tutor introduced her to the unique opportunities available at UWTSD : studying for a degree apprenticeship. Degree apprenticeships are an alternative to traditional university studies that are becoming increasingly popular.The work-based training schemes enable students to gain real-world workplace experience and earn a salary, whilst simultaneously working towards a degree qualification upon successful completion of theapprenticeship.Motivated by this opportunity, Heather relocated to South Wales and says she hasn’t looked back since. Heather credits the degree apprenticeship with helping her to secure a new position as an Aircraft Mechanic with British Airways, which she starts next month.“The partnership between the workplace and university is fantastic,” she said. “The course is designed for people who are working, and projects are able to be based on real-life tasks from our jobs, which allows for practical learning and flexibility.”Beyond her academic achievements, Heather is an avid traveller who has solo-backpacked through Southeast Asia and South America. Her journeys to places like Thailand, Peru, and Brazil have not only been eye-opening experiences but have also shaped her perspective onlife. “Embarking on your own travel adventures is a surefire way to boost your confidence. Navigating unfamiliar places, overcoming challenges, and stepping outside your comfort zone all contribute to personal growth. Each experience, whether it’s exploring ancient ruins, tasting exotic foods, or simply finding your way through a bustling market, adds to your life’s tapestry and creates memories that will last alifetime.“Travelling has broadened my worldview and boosted my confidence. It’s something I recommend toeveryone.” Davies Emily Hunt Bridget Moseley Degree Apprenticeships @ UWTSD

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    🎓Yn galw ar Ddosbarth Haf 2023! Ydych chi wedi llenwi'r arolwg Hynt Graddedigion eto?Os wnaethoch chi orffen eich cwrs rhwng mis Mai a Gorffennaf 2023, gwiriwch eich mewnflwch 📧 neu ffôn 📱 am wahoddiad i rannu eich profiadau a’ch taith wedi graddio - dim ond 10 munud o’ch amser!Drwy gymryd rhan, byddwch yn helpu i lunio dyfodol y Drindod Dewi Sant a'n ysbrydoli’r genhedlaeth nesaf o ddysgwyr. 💡🎓Peidiwch â cholli’ch cyfle i wneud gwahaniaeth — dywedwch eich dweud heddiw! 🗣️Mwy o wybodaeth am yr arolwg Hynt Graddedigion yma. 👉

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    🎓Shoutout to the Class of Summer 2023! Have you filled the Graduate Outcomes survey yet? If you finished your course between May and July 2023, check your inbox 📧 or phone 📱 for an invitation to share your experiences and current journey - just 10 minutes of your time!By taking part you'll help shape the future of UWTSD and inspire the next generation of learners. 💡🎓Don't miss your chance to make a difference—have your say today! 🗣️More info on the Grad Outcomes survey here. 👉

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    NEWYDDION: Cyhoeddi Cyrsiau Hyfforddiant Uwch Newydd ar Wella Adeiladwaith Ôl-osod (ERFIT)Mae’n bleser gan Ganolfan Arloesi Adeiladwaith Cymru (CWIC) Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant (PCYDDS) gyhoeddi rhaglen hyfforddiant ymarferol newydd i gefnogi’r wybodaeth dechnegol a’r sgiliau arbenigol mawr eu hangen ar gyfer gosod, cynghori a datrys problemau prosiectau ôl-osod presennol anewydd. Yn cael ei adnabod fel ERFIT (Hyfforddiant Uwch ar Wella Adeiladwaith Ôl-osod) mae’r hyfforddiant hwn a ariennir yn llawn yn ategu prosiect Effeithlonrwydd Heb Gyfaddawd presennol CWIC sydd eisoes yn darparu dysgu i ddylunwyr a masnachwyr yn egwyddorion a thechnegau safonPassivhaus.CWIC yw’r sefydliad cyntaf y tu allan i Loegr sy’n cynnig y cwrs hwn, a gefnogir yn llawn gan YmddiriedolaethPassivhaus. Yn gyntaf bydd dau ddiwrnod o gyflwyno ar-lein ar y cwrs ERFIT. Bydd amrywiaeth o bynciau yn cael eu trafod o egwyddorion adeiladu gwneuthuriad yn gyntaf, y berthynas rhwng allyriadau carbon a thai, i’r dirwedd ôl-osod. Ar y trydydd diwrnod, bydd gweithdy wyneb yn wyneb lle bydd cynrychiolwyr yn dysgu drwy gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau gwahanol a’u cwblhau.Bydd y trydydd diwrnod, sef diwrnod olaf yr hyfforddiant yn cael ei gynnal yng nghyfleusterau CWIC sydd ag adnoddau da yn Adeilad IQ ar Gampws GlannauAbertawe. Cliciwch isod i ddarganfon mwy am y cyrsiau newydd hyn 👇 Wales Gareth Evans Julie Evans Joanne Walker

    Cyhoeddi Cyrsiau Hyfforddiant Uwch Newydd ar Wella Adeiladwaith Ôl-osod (ERFIT)


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    NEWS: New Enhanced Retrofit Fabric Improvement Training (ERFIT) courses announcedThe University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) Construction Wales Innovation Centre (CWIC) is pleased to announce a new practical training programme to supportthe much-needed technical knowledge and expert skills for installing, advising and troubleshooting both existing and new retrofitprojects. Known as ERFIT (Enhanced Retrofit Fabric Improvement Training) this fully funded training complements CWIC’s existing Efficiency Without Compromise project which is already delivering learning to designers and tradespeople in the principles and techniques of the Passivhausstandard.CWIC is the first organisation outside England to be offering the course, which is fully supported by the PassivhausTrust. The ERFIT course will firstly encompass two days of online delivery, covering a range of topics from the principles of fabric first construction, the relationship of carbon emissions and housing, to the landscape of retrofit. The third day will be a face-to-face workshop where delegates will complete and learn several practical hands-on activities. This third and final day of the training, will take place in the well-resourced facilities of CWIC based at the university’s IQ building on the Swansea WaterfrontCampus. Click below to find out more about these new courses 👇 Wales Julie Evans Gareth Evans Joanne Walker

    New Enhanced Retrofit Fabric Improvement Training (ERFIT) courses announced



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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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